I met Dani in 2015 when we were both working as chef/instructors for an afterschool kids cooking program in Denver (shout out to Sticky Fingers Cooking- such an amazing program for kids! www.stickyfingerscooking.com). She was always my favorite person to work with: cool, calm, collected, sweet as candy but took no shit and always knew her stuff! We taught together clear up until her third trimester of pregnancy with a big ol baby belly, but I moved back to California before she gave birth so I never got to meet baby Corbin.
When Dani asked me to capture photos of her family, I was stoked- not only to meet the now not so little babe, but also her husband, Sean! We met at a park in Edgewater that I love, the Richards-Hart Estate. It's perfect for kids portrait sessions because it's quiet, has lots of trees and shade and also a playground (lifesaving when your kiddo clients have reached their limit)!
This session was perfection! The Tyler family are some of the smiliest people ever so they are an absolute delight to photograph. The light was beautiful, it wasn't too cold out and they dressed perfectly with just the right amount of mismatching. In about 30 minutes we were able to capture over 100 photos for their sweet family without ever walking more than a few yards, changing outfits, or utilizing props.
This session is THE REASON I love this job. Capturing people's legacies while traveling, catching up with friends, and photographing loving people in beautiful places.. I live for this.